Hors d’oeuvre

Steamed vegetables with Nori butter dip

Steamed vegetables with Nori butter dip

【Ingredients】…Serves 2
10/8cut (1.25 sheets) Sea Salted Nori
20g Butter
【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】
1 tbsp. of Soy source
1 tbsp. of Sweet cooking rice wine.
2 tsp. of beet sugar
Selected Vegetables ( radish, carrots, asparagus, cauliflower, etc.)
  1. Put butter in frying pan under low heat, once melted add Nori and mix with wooden spatula.
  2. Add 【Ingredients A】and simmer under medium heat until it thickens.
  3. Serve vegetable steamed to the temperature of your choice.
Fresh vegetables also go well with this dip.


Avocado, Cream cheese salad with Miso dressing

Avocado, Cream cheese salad with Miso dressing

【Ingredients】…Serves 2
4/8cut (0.5 sheets) Oyster Flavored Nori
50g Cream cheese
5cm shredded white onion
Some 7-flavors Japanese Pepper
【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】
1/2 tbsp. of Miso
1/2 tbsp. of rice vinegar
1 tsp. of soy source
1 tsp. of sesame oil
  1. Cut avocado into bite-size pieces, cut cream cheese into 1cm dice.
  2. Mix 1) and【Ingredients A】and add tiered Oyster Flavored Nori.
  3. Serve with shredded onion and Japanese pepper.
You can use chopped bannonegi onions instead of shredded white onions.


Wasabi & Soy source Dipped Tuna with Nori

Wasabi & Soy source Dipped Tuna with Nori

【Ingredients】…Serves 2
Wasabi flavored Nori
1 brock of Tuna
【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】
50cc Soy source
50cc Sweet cooking rice wine
  1. Mix Soy source and rice wine and cook under low heat until the alcohol has evapo-rated. Remove from heat and let it cool down.
  2. Once cold, soak the tuna in the mix for about 3 hours.
  3. After 3 hours, remove tuna and let it dry. Then cut in slices of 3mm.
  4. Cut nori the same size as the tuna pieces then roll over the tuna.
When you soak the tuna into the sauce, use a plastic bag with zip. Flip it a few times so that the tuna gets covered evenly.


Wasabi Nori Wrap with Crab Kamaboko and Avocado Cream

Wasabi Nori Wrap with Crab Kamaboko and Avocado Cream

【Ingredients】…Serves 4
20 sheets Wasabi Flavored Nori
1 Avocado
50g Cream Cheese
20 Cracker
20 sticks Crab Kamaboko (Japanese cured fish-puréed products)
  1. Peel avocado skin and scoop out the flesh.
  2. Mix 1 and cream cheese in a food blender to make it into purée.
  3. Spread 2 on crackers, place 5 crab stickers each on top then wrap them with wasabi nori. Serve.


Garlic Nori Toast

Garlic Nori Toastl

【Ingredients】…Serves 1
6 sheets Nori Flavored with marinated roe of Pollock, torn into smaller pieces
2 slices (1cm thick) Baguette
2 tbsp Olive oil
1 clove Garlic, finely chopped
2 pinches Salt
  1. Toast baguette slices.
  2. In a frying pan, cook garlic and nori with olive oil over the low heat until garlic is lightly cooked.
  3. Season with salt and place them on top of the baguette. Serve.


Potato and Egg Salad with Nori Sprinkle

Potato and Egg Salad with Nori Sprinkle

【Ingredients】…Serves 1
5 sheets Sea Salted Nori, torn into smaller pieces
1 Potato (May Queen variety) or Potato suited for stew
1 Egg
1/4 Onion
1/2 tbsp. White Wine Vinegar
1.5 tbsp. Olive Oil
25cc Single Cream
1 tbsp. Capers
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
  1. Cut onion in round slices, and soak in water.
  2. Boil egg hard and peel the shell. Then slice in a round shape.
  3. Cook potato from water and peel skin while it is hot. Then slice in a round shape.
  4. Marinate olive oil and white wine vinegar in 3.
  5. Mix cream with roughly chopped capers then salt and pepper to taste to make a dressing.
  6. Place 4 in a serving plate and put sliced egg and onion (after squeezing the soaking water) on top. Pour 5 evenly over the food.
  7. Serve topped with nori sprinkle.


Bagna càuda with Nori flavour

Bagna càuda with Nori flavour

【Ingredients】…Serves 2
1 sheet Sea Salted Nori, torn into smaller pieces
5 Anchovy fillets
3 cloves Garlic
50cc Olive Oil
50cc Single Cream
Your favorite vegetable, chopped into sticks
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
  1. Heat garlic clove with its skin in a microwave for 2 minutes, then remove the skin. Pound garlic into paste. (N.B. Be aware of hot temperature of garlic)
  2. Finely chop anchovy fillets and combine with 1. Pound further to make it into paste.
  3. In a small pan, heat 2, olive oil and nori over a small flame.
  4. When the aroma is released, remove from the heat and add cream. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Serve 4 with vegetables sticks.


White Fish Carpaccio with Nori Sprinkle

White Fish Carpaccio with Nori Sprinkle

【Ingredients】…Serves 2
10 sheets Oyster Flavored Nori
1 fillet Fresh Sea Bream or other white fish
2 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 tsp. White Wine Vinegar
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
  1. Thinly slice fish fillet and spread over the flat plate.
  2. Season 1 with salt and pepper and sprinkle white wine vinegar. Keep it in the refrigerator.
  3. Tear nori into smaller pieces and sprinkle over 2.
  4. Pour olive oil over 3 then serve.


  • Légumes à la vapeur avec trempette au beurre
  • Salade d’avocat et de fromage à la crème avec vinaigrette miso
  • Thon trempé au wasabi, sauce soja et nori
  • Makis de bâtonnets de crabe et de crème d’avocat à l’algue nori au wasabi
  • Toasts au nori à l’ail
  • Salade d’œuf et de pomme de terre saupoudrée de nori
  • Bagna cauda à d’algue nori
  • Carpaccio de poisson à l’algue nori


  • Poulet sauté à la sauce nori
  • Maki de nori au blanc de poulet
  • Galette d’algue nori au jambon
  • Soupe à la viande de volaille hachée
  • Teriyaki de viande hachée à l’algue nori cuite

Légume - œuf

  • Pommes de terre frites avec nori et oignons
  • Rouleaux de printemps au natto et kimchi
  • « Buchimgae » (crêpe coréenne) de nori et ciboule
  • Rouleaux de navet teriyaki aux nori
  • Pâtes au chou et nori
  • Bol de tomates et nori
  • Soupe miso aux nori et aux œufs
  • Risotto de nori style coréen


  • Poisson à chair blanche grillé avec nori
  • Casserole de morue avec trempette au nori
  • Hamburgers de poisson
  • Gratin au fruits de mer et nori
  • Sandwich au saumon fumé et nori
  • Noix Saint-Jacques au beurre sauce mayonnaise et à l’algue nori
  • Cocktail de crevettes à la sauce tartare d’algue nori au wasabi
  • Meunière de saumon au beurre d’algue nori
  • Calmar frit à l’algue nori

Plat japonais

  • Champignons farcis au four, à la japonaise (shiitake, nori et igname japonais)
  • Nouilles de konnyaku japonaises sautées, aux nori et œufs de morue
  • Racines de lotus frites aux nori
  • Consommé de udon « for nori lovers »
  • Dés de konnyaku à l’algue nori à l’huître
  • Pancake « Okonomi » d’algue nori façon pizza
  • Gratinée de racine de lotus au fromage
  • Salade de soba et d’algue nori


  • Biscuit à l’algue nori
  • Risotto dessert d’œuf et d’algue nori