Sea food

White Fish broiled with Nori

White Fish broiled with Nori

【Ingredients】…for 2 people
6g Dried original Nori leaves (Wasabi flavored)
1cut white fish
5 clams
【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】
1/2 tsp. Soy source
5g butter
1 tsp. white wine
  1. Put Nori on white fish and clam and wrap with 【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】in aluminum foil.
  2. Heat a frying pan under medium heat and put 1) in the pan.
  3. When steam appears, turn off the heat and leave it for 2 minutes.
  4. Once the foil cooled down so that you can touch it, place it on the plate and serve.
Please enjoy Nori which is soaked by fish extract.


Cod Pot with Nori dip

Cod Pot with Nori dip

【Ingredients】…for 2 people
6g Dried original Nori leaves (Wasabi flavored)
2cuts of cod
150g Japanese cabbage
1/2 Tofu
60g Enoki mushroom
1 piece of dried kelp
【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】
150cc Ponzu sauce
  1. Make Nori soft by soaking it in Ponzu sauce.
  2. Put water and dried kelp in a saucepan and heat.
  3. Cut cod, Japanese cabbage, enoki mushrooms and tofu into bite-size pieces and add them to the pot. Bring to boil, then simmer until everything is cooked.
  4. Pour over 1) and season to taste.
You can use oysters instead of cod.


Fish hamburger

Fish hamburger

【Ingredients】…for 2 people
4/8 (half sheet) Sea Salted Nori
1green onion
2leaves of green perilla
【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】
1 tbsp. of sesame oil
4 tsp. of white miso
4 tsp. of soy source
  1. Peal skin and pull out bones from fillet sardines.
  2. Chop green onion and green perilla.
  3. Mix 1), 2) and 【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】then mince.
  4. Form 3) into hamburgers then put Nori on them.
  5. Put sesame oil in the pan and bake both sides.
You can use ginger instead of green onion or green perilla.


Seafood Nori Gratin

Seafood Nori Gratin

【Ingredients】…for 2 people
3g Dried original Nori leaves (Oyster flavored)
150g Seafood mix (frozen)
1 slice of sliced cheese
Some bread crumb.
【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】
3 tbsp. of mayonnaise
1tsp. of white miso
  1. Put frozen seafood mix in a bowl and mix with Nori, mayonnaise and white miso.
  2. Put 1) in a gratin dish and bake at 200℃ for 10 minutes.
  3. Stir 2) up and put it back into the oven, baking for 5 more minutes.
  4. Put cheese and bread crumbs on them and bake until it turns brown.
Adjust the amount of cheese to your taste.


Smoked salmon & Nori Sandwich

Smoked salmon & Nori Sandwich

【Ingredients】…for 1 people
2/10 cut (0.2 sheet) collagen Nori.
4 slices of smoked salmon
2 butter bread rolls
【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】
Some soy sauce
Some butter
  1. Make a cut in the bread rolls, spread butter, then toast.
  2. Spread soy sauce on salmon and sprinkle with Nori.
You can put wasabi on the bread. If you put too much soy sauce, it will be too salty.


Sautéed scallops with nori mayonnaise sauce

Sautéed scallops with nori mayonnaise sauce

【Ingredients】…for 2 people
8 sheets Salad Flavored Nori,
6 Scallops
2 tbsp. White Wine
1.5 tbsp. Mayonnaise
10g Butter
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
  1. Tear nori into smaller pieces, then soak in white wine.
  2. Season scallop with salt and pepper and cook in frying pan over a high heat.
  4. When both sides are cooked, add butter and evenly coat all the scallops.
  6. Remove scallops and in the same frying pan add 1.
  8. Add mayonnaise in 4 and cook further. When mayonnaise is mixed well, season salt and pepper to taste.
  10. Spread 5 over the flat plate and place scallops on top. Serve.


Shrimp cocktail with wasabi nori tartar sauce.

Shrimp cocktail with wasabi nori tartar sauce.

【Ingredients】…for 2 people
5 sheets Wasabi Flavored Nori
6 Shrimps
1 Egg
2 Gherkin
2.5 tbsp. Mayonnaise
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
  1. Boil shrimps with shells on with salted water. When cooked, remove the shells.
  2. Boil egg hard, remove the shell then finely chop. Also finely chop gherkin.
  3. Tear nori as small as possible, probably easier using kitchen knife.
  4. Combine egg, gherkin, nori and mayonnaise in a bowl then season salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Serve shrimps with the tartar sauce (4).


Salmon meunière with nori butter

Salmon meunière with nori butter

【Ingredients】…for 1 people
4 sheets Oyster Flavored Nori
1 fillet Salmon
1 tbsp. Butter
1 tbsp. Vegetable Oil
Milk, enough to soak salmon fillet
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
  1. Soak salmon fillet in milk to remove the fishy smell.
  2. Leave butter in room temperature for a while.
  3. Tear nori into smaller pieces and mix well with 2. Then keep them in the refrigerator.
  4. Drain salmon (1) from the milk and dry the surface with kitchen paper. Season well with salt and pepper and cover with flour.
  5. Heat a frying pan with medium flame then broil the salmon fillet both sides. Do not burn the surface.
  6. Serve 5 with 3 as an accompaniment.

Fried Squid with Nori Batteri

Fried Squid with Nori Batter

【Ingredients】…for 2 people
2 tsp. Nori Powder*
1 Squid
80g Plain Flour
1 tsp. Baking Powder
100cc Water
2 tbsp. White Wine
1/2 tsp. Salt
Pepper to taste
*The nori flakes are completed in a powder form that makes protein from nori more easily digestible.
  1. Prepare squid – separate body and legs, remove gut and clean, peel the skin then slice in a round shape.
  2. Massage 1 with white wine and leave it for 20 minutes.
  3. Separate egg yolk and egg white, then beat up the egg white to make meringue. Keep egg yolk aside.
  4. Combine nori powder, plain flour and baking powder in a bowl.
  5. Add egg yolk (3) to 4 and mix well with adding 100cc of water gradually.
  6. Add 3 in 5 to make a batter.
  7. Drain squid (2) and pat with kitchen paper to dry the surface. Put them into a plastic bag with a pinch of salt and pepper and small amount of plain flour. Shake the bag and mix well.
  8. Deep fry 7 with 180 degree of oil. When oil bubbles are getting smaller, remove from the oil and drain over the mesh or kitchen paper.


  • Légumes à la vapeur avec trempette au beurre
  • Salade d’avocat et de fromage à la crème avec vinaigrette miso
  • Thon trempé au wasabi, sauce soja et nori
  • Makis de bâtonnets de crabe et de crème d’avocat à l’algue nori au wasabi
  • Toasts au nori à l’ail
  • Salade d’œuf et de pomme de terre saupoudrée de nori
  • Bagna cauda à d’algue nori
  • Carpaccio de poisson à l’algue nori


  • Poulet sauté à la sauce nori
  • Maki de nori au blanc de poulet
  • Galette d’algue nori au jambon
  • Soupe à la viande de volaille hachée
  • Teriyaki de viande hachée à l’algue nori cuite

Légume - œuf

  • Pommes de terre frites avec nori et oignons
  • Rouleaux de printemps au natto et kimchi
  • « Buchimgae » (crêpe coréenne) de nori et ciboule
  • Rouleaux de navet teriyaki aux nori
  • Pâtes au chou et nori
  • Bol de tomates et nori
  • Soupe miso aux nori et aux œufs
  • Risotto de nori style coréen


  • Poisson à chair blanche grillé avec nori
  • Casserole de morue avec trempette au nori
  • Hamburgers de poisson
  • Gratin au fruits de mer et nori
  • Sandwich au saumon fumé et nori
  • Noix Saint-Jacques au beurre sauce mayonnaise et à l’algue nori
  • Cocktail de crevettes à la sauce tartare d’algue nori au wasabi
  • Meunière de saumon au beurre d’algue nori
  • Calmar frit à l’algue nori

Plat japonais

  • Champignons farcis au four, à la japonaise (shiitake, nori et igname japonais)
  • Nouilles de konnyaku japonaises sautées, aux nori et œufs de morue
  • Racines de lotus frites aux nori
  • Consommé de udon « for nori lovers »
  • Dés de konnyaku à l’algue nori à l’huître
  • Pancake « Okonomi » d’algue nori façon pizza
  • Gratinée de racine de lotus au fromage
  • Salade de soba et d’algue nori


  • Biscuit à l’algue nori
  • Risotto dessert d’œuf et d’algue nori