
Sauteed Chicken with Nori sauce

Sauteed Chicken with Nori sauce

【Ingredients】…for 2 people
5g Dried original Nori leaves (Oyster flavored)
300g Chicken leg (boneless)
【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】
5 tbsp. Orange Juice
3 tbsp. light soy source
2 tbsp. Sweet cooking rice wine
1/2 tsp. Sugar
Some black pepper
  1. Cut chicken leg for one person and sprinkle with black pepper.
  2. Cook chicken leg in frying pan.
  3. Remove from fire.
  4. Mix 【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】in a frying pan and let boil.
  5. Pour 4) on baked chicken leg.
Mixed with the sauce, the Nori tastes very good with chicken.


Nori Chicken Wrap

Nori Chicken Wrap

【Ingredients】…for 1 people
2 sheet Nori Falavord with Moshio Salt*
1 Small Chicken Breast
1 Egg
Salt to taste
Balsamic vinegar to taste
Soya sauce to taste
*Moshio Salt is the salt made with traditional method in Setonaikai area, Japan.
  1. Boil chicken breast with salted water then cool. Tear longitudinally and make it into thin strips.
  2. Cook egg with a little oil in a frying pan to make a very thin omelet.
  3. Place cling film on a dry surface. Put omelet, nori and chicken strips on top in an order. Wrap them like a sushi but carefully leave cling film as an outer layer.
  4. Remove cling film and slice them into a bite size. Serve with soya sauce or balsamic vinegar as a dipping.


Galette with Roast Ham and Nori

Galette with Roast Ham and Nori

【Ingredients】…for 6 people
1 tbsp. Nori Powder*
150g Buckwheat Flour
1/4 tsp. Salt
300cc Water
1Egg, beaten
Topping ingredients (for 1 galette)
3 sheets Nori Flavored with marinated roe of Pollock or Oyster Flavored Nori, torn into smaller pieces
1 Egg
2 slices Roast Ham, cut into 1cm wide strips
3 tbsp grated cheese for pizza topping
*The nori flakes are completed in a powder form that makes protein from nori more easily digestible.
  1. Combine buckwheat flour, nori powder and salt in a bowl. Add water gradually to mix well until all the flour dissolve in the water. Add beaten egg and mix well, then cover the bowl with cling film and rest it in a refrigerator over night.
  2. Stir fry ham strips in a frying pan with a little oil. When both sides are lightly brown, remove them and wipe off the excess oil of the frying pan with kitchen paper to cook galette.
  3. Pour 4 tablespoons of 1 in the frying pan, spreading evenly on the surface. Cook with a medium heat.
  4. When the egg surface is a little dryer, place grated cheese in a circle in the middle then place an egg inside. Around the egg white, decorate with ham strips making circle shape.
  5. Once the egg edges are crispy, fold the edges to make a square shape.
  6. When the cheese is melted and egg white is cooked, remove from the heat and serve topped with flavored nori sprinkles..


Chicken Burger Soup

Chicken Burger Soup

【Ingredients】…for 4 people
4 sheet Salad Flavored Nori, torn into smaller pieces
4 cubs Chicken Bouillon Stock (or Chicken Bouillon Soup Stock for 1200cc)
1200cc Water
60g Barley
Salt to taste
Burger ingredients
150g Chicken Mince
100g Onion
100g Carrot
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
  1. Finely chop onion and carrot.
  2. Cook barley with 1200cc of water for 10 minutes over high heat.
  3. Mix 1, chicken mince, salt and pepper in a bowl then knead well.
  4. Divide 3 into 4 parts and make them into burger shapes. Place each of them in a microwave-resistance soup bowl and cover with cling film. Cook with a microwave for 2 minutes.
  5. When 2 is cooked, add chicken bouillon soup stock cube and Salad Flavored Nori.
  6. Pour 5 into bowls with burgers. Add salt to taste and serve. Enjoy eating soup by breaking burger in the soup that release the flavor of chicken.


Teriyaki Nori Beef Burger

Teriyaki Nori Beef Burger

【Ingredients】…for 1 people
1 sheet Nori with Moshio Salt*
150g Beef Mince
1/4 Onion
1 Hamburger Bun
1 piece Lettuce Leaf
1 tbsp. Soya Sauce
1 tbsp. Red Wine
1 tbsp. Honey
1/4 tsp. Salt
Pepper to taste
Nutmeg to taste
Mayonnaise to taste
Potato flour (katakuri ko), enough to thicken the sauce
*Moshio Salt is the salt made with traditional method in Setonaikai area, Japan.
  1. Cut bun in half and lightly toast the sliced sides in dry frying pan.
  2. Finely chop onion and combine with beef mince, salt, pepper and nutmeg, then knead well.
  3. Make 2 into a shape of patty (slightly larger size than bun in a diameter) and cook both sides in a well-heated frying pan. Remove and set aside.
  4. In the same frying pan, bring wine, soya sauce and honey to a boil and make a sauce. Cook few minutes over a low heat to make it thicken. Stirring occasionally.
  5. Add potato flour to adjust the thickness of the sauce. When the flour is mixed well, remove from the heat.
  6. Return patty to the pan and mix well with the sauce, then wrap it with nori.
  7. Place nori wrapped patty on lettuce leaf, topped with mayonnaise between buns. Serve.


  • Légumes à la vapeur avec trempette au beurre
  • Salade d’avocat et de fromage à la crème avec vinaigrette miso
  • Thon trempé au wasabi, sauce soja et nori
  • Makis de bâtonnets de crabe et de crème d’avocat à l’algue nori au wasabi
  • Toasts au nori à l’ail
  • Salade d’œuf et de pomme de terre saupoudrée de nori
  • Bagna cauda à d’algue nori
  • Carpaccio de poisson à l’algue nori


  • Poulet sauté à la sauce nori
  • Maki de nori au blanc de poulet
  • Galette d’algue nori au jambon
  • Soupe à la viande de volaille hachée
  • Teriyaki de viande hachée à l’algue nori cuite

Légume - œuf

  • Pommes de terre frites avec nori et oignons
  • Rouleaux de printemps au natto et kimchi
  • « Buchimgae » (crêpe coréenne) de nori et ciboule
  • Rouleaux de navet teriyaki aux nori
  • Pâtes au chou et nori
  • Bol de tomates et nori
  • Soupe miso aux nori et aux œufs
  • Risotto de nori style coréen


  • Poisson à chair blanche grillé avec nori
  • Casserole de morue avec trempette au nori
  • Hamburgers de poisson
  • Gratin au fruits de mer et nori
  • Sandwich au saumon fumé et nori
  • Noix Saint-Jacques au beurre sauce mayonnaise et à l’algue nori
  • Cocktail de crevettes à la sauce tartare d’algue nori au wasabi
  • Meunière de saumon au beurre d’algue nori
  • Calmar frit à l’algue nori

Plat japonais

  • Champignons farcis au four, à la japonaise (shiitake, nori et igname japonais)
  • Nouilles de konnyaku japonaises sautées, aux nori et œufs de morue
  • Racines de lotus frites aux nori
  • Consommé de udon « for nori lovers »
  • Dés de konnyaku à l’algue nori à l’huître
  • Pancake « Okonomi » d’algue nori façon pizza
  • Gratinée de racine de lotus au fromage
  • Salade de soba et d’algue nori


  • Biscuit à l’algue nori
  • Risotto dessert d’œuf et d’algue nori