
Potato and Egg Salad with Nori Sprinkle

Potato and Egg Salad with Nori Sprinkle

【Ingredients】…for 1 people
5 sheets Sea Salted Nori, torn into smaller pieces
1 Potato (May Queen variety) or Potato suited for stew
1 Egg
1/4 Onion
1/2 tbsp. White Wine Vinegar
1.5 tbsp. Olive Oil
25cc Single Cream
1 tbsp. Capers
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
  1. Cut onion in round slices, and soak in water.
  2. Boil egg hard and peel the shell. Then slice in a round shape.
  3. Cook potato from water and peel skin while it is hot. Then slice in a round shape.
  4. Marinate olive oil and white wine vinegar in 3.
  5. Mix cream with roughly chopped capers then salt and pepper to taste to make a dressing.
  6. Place 4 in a serving plate and put sliced egg and onion (after squeezing the soaking water) on top. Pour 5 evenly over the food.
  7. Serve topped with nori sprinkle.


Natto & Kimchi Spring Roll

Natto & Kimchi Spring Roll

【Ingredients】…for 2 people
16/8 (2 sheets) Oyster flavored Nori
3pieces of Spring roll skins
60 g Kimchi
1 pack of chopped Natto
【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】
1 tsp. of Soy source
  1. Put 2 slices of Nori on a Spring roll skin, then add Kimchi and Natto. Cover with 2 pieces of Nori, then roll it out.
  2. Deep fry in vegetable oil at 180℃.
When you roll the Spring-roll, the Nori might break but it doesn't matter.


Nori & Green Onion Buchimgae (Korean pancake)

Nori & Green Onion Buchimgae (Korean pancake)

【Ingredients】…for 2 people
A pinch of Dried original Nori leaves (Wasabi Flavored)
1/2 Naganegi-onion
Some Korean chili
120g soft flower
3/4 cup of water
2pinches of salt
A grab of Dried original Nori leaves (Wasabi flavored)
A pinch of salt
1 tsp. of golden sesame
1/2 tsp. of sesame oil
  1. Add [A] in a bowl and mix.
  2. Mix [A] with Nori and diagonally-cut Naganegi-onion.
  3. In a pan with vegetable oil, fry 2) on both side until brown. Then cut in bite-size pieces.
  4. Mix [B] and spread on 3). Then decorate with Korean chili.
[B] would be the sauce. Please adjust the quantity of salt and sesame oil as desired.


Radish Teriyaki Nori Roll

Radish Teriyaki Nori Roll

【Ingredients】…for 2 people
8/8cuts (1 sheet) Wasabi flavored Nori
8cm Japanese radish
1/2 tbsp. of vegetable oil
【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】
1 tbsp. of soy source
1 tbsp. of sweet cooking rice wine.
  1. Cut Japanese radish into semi-circular 2cm slices. Put them in a pot with enough water to cover them and simmer.
  2. Put vegetable oil in a pan and bake both sides. Then pour 【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】and mix in the residual heat.
  3. Roll up Nori and serve.
It is better to roll the nori right before serving.


Pasta with Cabbage and Nori

Pasta with Cabbage and Nori

【Ingredients】…for 2 people
10/8cuts (1.25 sheets) Sea Salted Nori
150g pasta
120g cabbage
1 tbsp. of olive oil
2 pieces of garlic (chopped)
20g dried tomato
【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】
1 tbsp. of white wine
2 tbsp. of drain water from pasta
2 tsp. of bouillon (powder)
  1. Cut cabbage into big pieces. Cut dried tomato into small size pieces. Tear Sea Salted Nori into pieces. Start boiling pasta.
  2. 1 minute before pasta is cooked, add cabbage together with the pasta. Drain cooking water.
  3. Put chopped garlic and olive oil in a pan, add 1) and heat under medium heat. After a while, add【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】under strong fire and let the alcohol evaporate.
  4. Mix 3) with pasta and dried tomato and add extra salt as you like.
Since dried tomatoes are already salty, only add extra salt at the end.


Nori & Tomato Bowl

Nori & Tomato Bowl

【Ingredients】…for 2 people
8/8cut (1 sheet) Wasabi flavored Nori
2 tomatoes
150g Japanese yam (nagaimo)
2 bowls of steamed rice
Some radish sprouts
【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】
1.5 tbsp. of soy source
1.5 tbsp. of sweet cooking rice wine.
  1. Cut tomatoes into cubes.
  2. Mix【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】in a pot and let boil. Then pour it into 1) and leave it for 10 minutes.
  3. Serve rice into a bowl and add shredded Wasabi flavored Nori sheets on the rice. Then put 2) on it with the sauce.
  4. Grate Japanese yams and sprinkle on 3). Put radish sprouts on top.


Miso soup with Nori & Eggs

Miso soup with Nori & Eggs

【Ingredients】…for 4 people
6g Dried original Nori leaves (Oyster Flayvored)
600g soup stock
2 eggs
【Ingredients A(seasoning) 】
Some Miso
  1. Put soup stock in a pot and add Miso.
  2. Put Nori and swirls beaten egg into it.
Heat the soup until right before boiling, then beat eggs in it.


Korean Style Nori Rissoto

Korean Style Nori Rissoto

【Ingredients】…for 4 people
6g Dried original Nori leaves (Oyster Flavored)
2 bowls of steamed rice
600cc water
Some sesame oil
Some sesame
1.5 tbsp. of chicken soup (powder)
1 tbsp. of oyster source
Some salt
  1. Boil water in a pot then add chicken soup and oyster sauce.
  2. Season soup with salt and add rice and Nori, then boil for a while.
  3. Turn off the heat and add sesame oil.
  4. Serve it in rice bowl and sprinkle sesame on it.
It goes well with Kimchi too.


  • Légumes à la vapeur avec trempette au beurre
  • Salade d’avocat et de fromage à la crème avec vinaigrette miso
  • Thon trempé au wasabi, sauce soja et nori
  • Makis de bâtonnets de crabe et de crème d’avocat à l’algue nori au wasabi
  • Toasts au nori à l’ail
  • Salade d’œuf et de pomme de terre saupoudrée de nori
  • Bagna cauda à d’algue nori
  • Carpaccio de poisson à l’algue nori


  • Poulet sauté à la sauce nori
  • Maki de nori au blanc de poulet
  • Galette d’algue nori au jambon
  • Soupe à la viande de volaille hachée
  • Teriyaki de viande hachée à l’algue nori cuite

Légume - œuf

  • Pommes de terre frites avec nori et oignons
  • Rouleaux de printemps au natto et kimchi
  • « Buchimgae » (crêpe coréenne) de nori et ciboule
  • Rouleaux de navet teriyaki aux nori
  • Pâtes au chou et nori
  • Bol de tomates et nori
  • Soupe miso aux nori et aux œufs
  • Risotto de nori style coréen


  • Poisson à chair blanche grillé avec nori
  • Casserole de morue avec trempette au nori
  • Hamburgers de poisson
  • Gratin au fruits de mer et nori
  • Sandwich au saumon fumé et nori
  • Noix Saint-Jacques au beurre sauce mayonnaise et à l’algue nori
  • Cocktail de crevettes à la sauce tartare d’algue nori au wasabi
  • Meunière de saumon au beurre d’algue nori
  • Calmar frit à l’algue nori

Plat japonais

  • Champignons farcis au four, à la japonaise (shiitake, nori et igname japonais)
  • Nouilles de konnyaku japonaises sautées, aux nori et œufs de morue
  • Racines de lotus frites aux nori
  • Consommé de udon « for nori lovers »
  • Dés de konnyaku à l’algue nori à l’huître
  • Pancake « Okonomi » d’algue nori façon pizza
  • Gratinée de racine de lotus au fromage
  • Salade de soba et d’algue nori


  • Biscuit à l’algue nori
  • Risotto dessert d’œuf et d’algue nori